
What do you do with people who, for whatever reason, have become a toxic influence on your life?

You meet someone at an event, through friends, at school, at work; you exchange contact info; and then you become part of each other's network. Slowly, or maybe immediately, this new friend starts to make you doubt yourself when they don't invite you to a social gathering, make back-handed comments to you or to others, or stop texting you back.

You don't recognize this as a toxic relationship because it so recently was a source of friendship, of hope, of joy, of laughter, of companionship. Or maybe because it's been happening for so long you haven't noticed how it's making you feel.

Life is too short.

This is the story of my life. I let people in because I want them to like me and then somehow I let them make me doubt myself. I've cut ties with some, but there are still people who simply exist in my life to drag me down. The way I see it, I have 3 options:

💡Option 1: Ignore it and let the toxic people be a drain on my life by letting them continue to make me feel bad via angry texts, passive aggressive comments, and general bullying
💡Option 2: Confront said behavior even though I’ve tried to discuss it in the past and called it out last time it was displayed

💡Option 3: Let those people go. We had a good(ish) run (for them, while I let them drain my life-blood), but times and people change and I don’t have room for toxicity in my life.

Sometimes, sometimes, the answer is sadly Option 3. My personality lends itself to healing all rifts and mending all fences, but sometimes a windy day just obliterates that shit beyond repair and you find that maybe you didn’t need that fence after all. 

When you love yourself— like, really love yourself— you don’t let that stuff and those people drag you down. Because you realize you are too goddamn important for anyone to put a cloud in your sunny sky.
